Cultural assets

   There are many famous and valuable caltural assets all over the world. Holography is used as a recording medium of these things. The three-dimensional color image of the caltural asset is equivalent to the "true" caltural asset. The color holograms were recorded in cooporation with museum and so on for the purpose of recording and preservation of the cultual assets.


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Ancient mirror
Produced from Maezuka ancient brurial mounds in Nara prefecture.
The first term of the period of ancient burial mounds(4th century)
(National Musium of Japanese History)  (30cm x 30cm)

Three colored bird shaped water pot
16th century
(National Musium of Japanese History)
(30cm x 30cm)

Ancient coins
Produced from remains at Suzaka city in Nagano Prefecture

(Department of cultual assets, Nara University) (8" x 10")

Pommel with silver inlaid design
(Department of cultual assets, Nara University)
(8" x 10")

Stone hatchet  
(Faculty of Literature, Kyoto University)

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