‚c‚…‚…‚ ‚‰‚‚‚‡‚… reflection holograms

White light reconstruction holograms, such as rainbow hologram and reflection hologram have the property of producing sharp images even when illuminated with a white light source.  The reconstructed images,however,are blured because of spectral-wavelength spread and finite size of the illuminated light source especially when the images are located at a distance from the hologram.  In general, the image blur for the reflection hologram is larger than that for the rainbow hologram.  We proposed a new type of reflection hologram that can reconstruct a sharp and deep monochromatic image.  A holizontal slit are used to record the hologram in the same manner as for the rainbow hologram.  The monochromatic images are observed from wide longitudinal range,unlike the case for the rainbow hologram,when it is illuminated with an extended white light source such as a fluorescent lamp.

Traffic jam@(33cmx43cm)

Straight fluorescent lamp is used to reconstruct the hologram.  
The depth of the image is 50cm.

The look of stores and houses on a street of Osaka in modern times (30cmx40cm)

1/50 scale model of tradesmanfs house.  The depth reaches to‚V‚T‚ƒ‚.

The hologram is displayed permanently at Osaka House Information Center.
LED array is used to illuminate the hologram.

Tempo KOBAN and magnifying glass (30cmx40cm)

The hologram is displayed permanently at Osaka House Information Center.
LED array is used for reconstruction.


œY.Taketomi and T.Kubota, hReflection hologram for reconstructing deep images,h Opt.Lett. 22,1725-1727(1997).

œY.Taketomi and T.Kubota, hDeep image reconstruction of a reflection hologram using a fluorescent lamp,hProc. SPIE 3293, 196-204(1998).

œH.Tanigawa , Y.Tanji, Y.Taketomi, and T.Kubota, hDeep image hologram recorded by using a lenticular lens sheet,h Proc.SPIE 3637, 181-187(1999).

œT. Kubota, Y. Awatsuji and T. Taketomi: Resolution of a reflection hologram recorded with a slit, Appl. Opt. 39,20,3466-3472(2000).

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